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Intraday data via the .com api

Lets try this instead, it seems the previous question was not any help available. I am trying to request intraday data via the API ( either the using Python as i asked about previously ( the Eikon data API ) or using the older ? .com desktop API. i have a working code for day end prices, but i cant find the documentation how to set the "RequestParameters" for intraday data, i tried adding interval='minute' it doesnt work though

This is my settings for end of day data that works fine

RequestParameters= "SDate='2024-01-19' eDate='2024-01-19' frq:C"

I cant though work out the equivalent setting for intraday, this is what i tried ( based on trying to interpret what it looks like in the API in excel )

RequestParameters= "RequestParametersTxt.Text = "SDate='2024-01-02T12:00:00', eDate='2024-01-03T18:00:00', interval='minute'"

Any suggestions ?

Or even better some help getting the example code for the other API to work
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Thank you for reaching to us.

I don't recommend developing a new application or adding a new feature to a current application with the Legacy Eikon COM API because the new desktop application (LSEG Workspace) will not support the Eikon COM API.

It is better to contact your account team or sales team to enalbe the Data API proxy in your account. Then, use the Refinitiv Data Libraries to get the data.

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its not a new application i allready have it and sure i would like to move over to the newer API at some point, but as you seen i dont have that feature yet.... The older API works though, and all i ask for is what parameters to set and use same older code for now. Is that possible to get or will helpdesk refuse to give that away and provide no other solution ?

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I checked and found that the COM APIs for use in customer applications doesn't support intraday data (RHistory). The RHistory is supported in the COM APIs for use in Microsoft Office.

Otherwise, you can try another Eikon .NET APIs but this API is also deprecated.

You can refer to the Overview and Installation, and Time Series tutorials.

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Hi @johan01 ,

For your information, here's the page Upgrading to Workspace, which included the migration guide of COM API.

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