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Not receiving the "_on_message" message from Refinitiv WebSocket


While integrating and testing the connection through the new authentication method (v1 to v2), I came across a bottleneck unfortunately.

The problem is as follows:

The REST post request (v2) works and I can get hold of the token, but then I can't seem to make the socket connection work properly. The problem is that once I open a connection (so before self._send_login_request(auth_token) ), I do not receive an _on_open message so that the rest of the code gets executed (sending the token, requesting prices etc.). Instead, the thread gets stuck waiting for messages (I believe).

The last log I'm getting is: Session1: Connecting WebSocket to wss://

After this the thread remains open for a couple of seconds and then is killed.

However, when following the same steps but this time through PostMan, I am able to open a connection, I then receive the Stream: open message, I am able to send the login_request, my login attempt is successful and then finally I am able to send a market_price_request to which I get the desired socket response. For some reason, the python process (which I've taken from Refinitiv's documentation at is not able to accomplish this.

Many thanks,


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Hello @fg01,

Are you running the client-credentials Python sample as-is, without any modification? If yes, then probably the secure websocket connection is blocked on your network. Please try the sample from machine which is directly connected to the internet without any firewall etc.

Postman might be using the system proxy information - different Python modules have to be specifically configured for this proxy information in their own specific way.

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