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Python Refinitiv module missing scope

Im working on retrieving Refinitiv data using my local Python IDE.

I managed to install the refinitiv module and configure a json file - but some scope is missing:

What is the problem here?

Python code:

import os
import as rd

os.environ["RD_LIB_CONFIG_PATH"] = "[Local Path]"
df = rd.get_data(universe ='EUR=',fields = 'BASE_CCY')

Error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Users\jesv\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\PyCharmEdu2022.2\scratches\", line 21, in <module>

df = rd.get_data(universe ='EUR=',fields = 'BASE_CCY')

File "C:\Users\jesv\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\lib\site-packages\refinitiv\data\_access_layer\", line 126, in get_data

raise RDError(-1, except_msg) Error code -1 | Error code -1 | Insufficient scope for key=/streaming/pricing/v1/, method=GET.

Required scopes: {''}

Available scopes: {'trapi.alerts.preferences.crud', 'trapi.alerts.history.crud', '', 'trapi.synthetic.crud', '', 'trapi.user-framework.recently-used.crud', 'trapi.user-framework.application-metadata.raplib', '', '', '', '', 'trapi.user-framework.workspace.crud', '', 'trapi.frtb.sentimarization', '', '', '', 'trapi.alerts.publication.crud', 'trapi.sdbold', 'trapi.graphql.subscriber.access', '', 'trapi.alerts.subscription.crud', '', '', '', ''}

Missing scopes: {''}

Json file:

Note: I havent filled "url" : "YOUR DEPLOYED HOST:PORT GOES HERE!" or "username" : "YOUR DACS ID GOES HERE!",


"logs": {

"level": "debug",

"transports": {

"console": {

"enabled": false


"file": {

"enabled": false,

"name": "refinitiv-data-lib.log"




"sessions": {

"default": "platform.rdp",

"platform": {

"rdp": {


"app-key": "[My_KEY]",

"username": "[My_user_name]",

"password": "[My_password]"


"deployed": {


"realtime-distribution-system": {


"dacs" : {

"username" : "YOUR DACS ID GOES HERE!",

"application-id" : 256,

"position" : ""





"desktop": {

"workspace": {

"app-key": "[My_KEY]"





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Any comment here please :)
Any comment here - please :)

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

The message indicates that your account doesn't have permission to access the streaming pricing service.

Missing scopes: {''}

The library gets the data of the real-time fields (no TR. prefixed) from the streaming pricing service.

Please contact your Refinitv account team or sales team to verify the permission.

icon clock
10 |1500

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