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Unable to connection using the c# Refinitiv.Data due to internal API errors

Multiple users have reported to be unable to connect using the Refinitiv.Data API for .net. Looking at the RDP.log fil there seems to be an issue accessing some endpoints:

2024-02-26T10:17:26WarnRefinitiv.Data.Core.DesktopStreamDiscoveryFailed to query streaming discovery endpoint: http://localhost:9000/api/rdp/streaming/trading-analytics/trade-data/beta1/redi for service: trading-analytics.desktop.
  "HTTPStatusCode": 404,
  "HTTPReason": "Not Found",
  "Contents": "Not Found"
2024-02-26T10:17:26WarnRefinitiv.Data.Core.DesktopStreamDiscoveryFailed to query streaming discovery endpoint: http://localhost:9000/api/rdp/streaming/pricing/v1/ for service: pricing.desktop.
  "HTTPStatusCode": 403,
  "HTTPReason": "Forbidden",
  "Contents": "Forbidden"
2024-02-26T10:17:26WarnRefinitiv.Data.Core.DesktopStreamDiscoveryFailed to query streaming discovery endpoint: http://localhost:9000/api/rdp/streaming/benchmark/v1/resource for service: benchmark.desktop.
  "HTTPStatusCode": 403,
  "HTTPReason": "Forbidden",
  "Contents": "Forbidden"

I attached the complete log (963 B)
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Adding (and upvoting if I could) that we are seeing the same errors for multiple users from AlphaDesk product when trying to connect using C# Refinitiv Data Libraries. Most users are ok but a meaningful subset report connectivity issues with this same error message in the logs.

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Hi @martin.grunwald

We have seen other reports around this. Looking at your connection port, I'm assuming you are connecting into LSEG Workspace? There appears to have been a widespread software update and have affect some clients. Have you tried restarting your desktop environment to see if that helps? I'm going to follow up to understand what has been updated.

In the meantime, can you provide a software version and proxy version for your desktop software? You can access the about screens from the "About LSEG Workspace" menu option.

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The affected clients are from both Eikon and Workspace datafeed users. No pattern has emerged yet for AlphaDesk. Versions we’ve seen:

  • Workspace: 4.0.64012, 4.0.58024
  • Eikon 4.0.64 has issue but Eikon 4.0.65 from another user at the same firm is OK
  • Similarly two users at a firm with Eikon 4.0.64012. One had the issue the other did not

On Friday 29th this issue also reproduced on my local EIKON installation ( On Monday 26th it was still working. Is this the same "software update" issue that can be reoccurring at any time?

Hi @martin.grunwald

I've been notified that there has been a site-wide rollback of the API Proxy. Please try again and confirm. If you are still having issues, please post the version of the API Proxy.

My EIKON connection is working again. DATAAPIPROXY

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It seems the users experiencing the issue are using EIKON version I can not reproduce the issue locally using the EIKON version or Workspace.

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We have one client who has two machines, one works and the other doesn't.
The PC with issues

PC with no issues

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.