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How to permanently remove Refinitiv Messenger chatbot from managed chatrooms?


I am able to remove the chatbot from bilateral chatrooms using the URL below (as instructed by the BOT Messenger API documentation){chatroom_id}/participants

where chatroom_id is "groupchat-XXXXX".

But I am unable to do so for managed chatrooms using this same URL, the response I got was

<Response [404]>

I also observed the chatroom_id for managed chatrooms is of the pattern "" and not "groupchat-XXXXX".

May I know what is the correct way to remove our chatbot from managed chatrooms?

Thanks and regards,
Keng Onn

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Hello @kengonn.wong

The Chatbot API team confirms the managed chatrooms' rule are different from bilateral chatrooms.

Managed chatrooms members are controlled by specified CRO (chatroom organizer), who adds users into or removes users from the chatroom.

Users who are added to the managed chatroom could join or leave the chatroom, but they could not choose to be removed from it.

The team suggests you contact the CRO of that managed chatroom, generally who is related with the user company and had ever added the bot to the room.

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I see, thanks so much for clarifying!

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Hello @kengonn.wong

I am sorry to hear that you are facing the issue. Could you please let me know if you are using the following HTTP method?

POST /messenger/beta1/managed_chatrooms/{
                {managed_chatroom_id}}/leave HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {
                {Access Token}}

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Hi @wasin.w , will this method permanently remove the chatbot from the managed chatroom? Because the API documentation said this command will cause the bot's ID to be greyed out (but not removed).
Hi @kengonn.wong

Let me check with the Eikon Chatbot API team and get back to you.

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