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please translate the attached template into Python?

Please translate the attached template into Python? At least the data retrieval in the "Refinitiv" tab. The output would either be an Excel spreadsheet with the information in that tab (at least the Refinitiv "pull-out"; we can put the formulas somewhere else), or the full spreadsheet with the other tabs too. The point is to avoid using the Excel add-in.

We use the Spyder environment for Python. No opinion about the connection method to Refinitiv with Python. We just need the template to be usable by different users with different login details.

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I checked the Refinitiv tab and found that the sheet uses the RDP.Data function to retrieve the data.

You can use the get_data method in Refinitiv Data Library for Python to retrieve the same data.

For example, the formula in Cell# C76 is:

 (=@RDP.Data($C$1,$B$77:$B$93,"Curn=#1 Sdate=#2 Edate=#3 Frq=#4 Scale=6 IncludeOldYE=Yes CH=RFperiod RH=Fd",,$C$2,"FY0","FY11",C5)) 

The Python code that uses the get_data method in the Refinitiv Data Library for Python is:

df = rd.get_data(


The ouput looks like this:


The Refinitiv Data Library for Python examples are also available on GitHub.

This developer forum is for questions on and general discussions of Refinitiv/LSEG APIs so if you need help to implement the code used in production, as far as I know, we provide the Professional Service Group service that can develop an application for you with additional cost. For more information, please contact your LSEG account team or sales team directly.

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