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Question on Data Platform News AWS message queue

We utilize AWS Queues to retrieve the news stream. Is there a method to log in to AWS and monitor the queues created under the account we've received?

Our implementation is built on .NET, and we utilize the library provided by LSEG, specifically Refinitiv.Data version 1.0.0-beta5. Is there a source available for this library? Is it the recommended and supported one?

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Hi @mohammad waseem

The Queuing interfaces are designed specifically to create, delete, list and retrieve data from AWS queues. Programmatically, I don't know what additional access is needed from the client. The user can actually utilize AWS libraries directly to develop their own interfaces if they want to create additional administrative activities.

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Hi @mohammad waseem

As far as I'm aware, we don't have direct access to log into AWS to monitor message queues. The libraries utilize the Message Queue Endpoints directly to access and manage queues within AWS. The library does utilize underlying AWS NuGet packages to work with the queues directly.

The library is fully-supported but no source code is available. Perhaps you can provide more details about what specifically you need to monitor as the libraries may be able to perform the desired task.

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Thank you @nick.zincone . Client came up with the follow up.

I just wanted to gain a better understanding of what is available from the monitoring perspective out of the box. I've come across the Amazon SQS console, and I was curious if similar is provided. Ideally we would like to have a basic overview of all created queues and check if any of them have pending messages and so on... I noticed the QueryManager class, but its interface seems to be limited.

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