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Workspace API and accesssing texual paragraphs from annual reports and filings

What we would really like to be able to do is to pull the textual paragraphs in a programmatic way. That is, if we could download every paragraph from multiple annual reports into one csv file – we are not as interested in the numeric data, as we know we can get that from the database easily already. Is there a way to download the text into csv that without the Filings API?

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Hi @eric.downing

I would suggest you review the Filings API developer page within the LSEG Developer Community.

There also exists our Data Libraries which can help pull down textual sections within a Filings document. In addition, the following article does utilize the Python library and define an interface to aid in the selection of sections within a Filings document.

For example:


The above article will include links to relevant learning material as well as full source code within GitHub.

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@eric.downing So further to Nick's post - you would need an additional Data Platform (formerly known as RDP) license as Workspace does not provide programmatic API access to filings. Please contact your account representative to request a free trial of Data Platform.

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