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Login Denied: Force Logout from DACS

I've been reading some of the responses relating to Forced DACS logout event and find the following extract.

The “State: Closed/Suspect/Not entitled - text: "Force Logout from DACS."” indicates that the logins stream between the API and the server is closed. The closed login stream also closes all opened streams (including items streams) and the API will not recover the streams. The application needs to re-create the new OMMConsumer object to initiate a new connection and then re-subscribe items to the RTO server.

The "Force Logout from DACS." error message is generated from the Refinitiv Real-Time server side.

Our application team is running a consumer using RFA 8.1.1, which matches this scenario, where the API does not recover the streams and had to be restarted. For the resolution, it states that "The application needs to re-create the new OMMConsumer object to initiate a new connection and then re-subscribe items....". My question is, will the new API (ETA/EMA etc) have any enhancement/code to handle this event or its still down to the application developer to re-create the new OMMConsumer object to initiate a new connection and then re-subscribe upon receiving this event?

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Hello @Mark Yip,

"Login Denied" - for whatever reason - be it incorrect credentials or expired user is not an event that would be automatically recovered by any SDK. This is not an event which should happen during the regular use of the application. If you are getting login denied - then something else is incorrect in either your application or in the infrastructure settings - which should be fixed first.

If this message is received due to any reason (like infrastructure upgrade etc), then the application will have to manually recover all the previously open streams.

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