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Data quality check on equity


I am downloading the equity data and use they for analysis. It is required by regulation that the data quality test must be performed. So I wonder if Refinitiv performs the data quality test on the equities data (returns, volume, market-cap....), such as completeness, accuracy, consistency, etc, see below the table regarding the tests and their definition. If so, where can I find the data quality test results? Thanks!

Best regards,



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Hi @jian.he ,

This forum is dedicated for API related technical questions. For content related questions I would advice raising a request via Helpdesk.

Best regards,


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Hello @jian.he

Thank you for reaching out to us. Unfortunately, this Q&A forum can help you with the LSEG APIs general usage questions only.

I do believe our product team has done data quality test, but I strongly suggest you contact the product team directly for more detail about the data quality test or test report. You can contact the team via https://myaccount.lseg.com/en/helpandsupport website.


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