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Historical Ownership Data with setlabel and fetch_refinitiv_data

Client was able to get that Ownership Summary data from the following code.


import as rd

import pandas as pd

b = ['SetLabel(TR.InstrStatLocationId,location),SetLabel(TR.InstrStatLocation,locationName)',



b_ = fetch_refinitv_data('GE',b)

region = ['North America', 'Europe', 'Asia / Pacific', 'Africa', 'Middle East', 'Latin America']

Now he wants to get data for last month/quarter/year (historically) data. When I tried copy and pasting this code in Codebook - I am getting error "

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_76/ in <module>
     11 'SetLabel(TR.InstrStatCatSharesHeld,position)','SetLabel(TR.InstrStatCatShrsHldVal,heldValue)','StatType=3','Curn=USD']
---> 13 b_ = fetch_refinitv_data('GE',b)
     15 region = ['North America', 'Europe', 'Asia / Pacific', 'Africa', 'Middle East', 'Latin America']

NameError: name 'fetch_refinitv_data' is not defined"
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Hi @mae.diaz

If this is your first time working with the APIs, I would suggest you review the learning material within our Developer Portal. There are a number of resources for you to help understand basic examples. I'm assuming you are using Refinitiv Workspace - You can use CodeBook as a built-in development Jupyter environment - it will have plenty of examples within there.

Have you tried the above example within Jupyter? It doesn't have to be defined within a function - I would personally start off really basic like you did above - don't make things fancy - simply do the minimum to get data then work from there.

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@nick.zincone, I have tried the first code above in Codebook which gave me the error message that I mention and check how you reference the b_ = fetch_refinitv_data('GE',b)

region = ['North America', 'Europe', 'Asia / Pacific', 'Africa', 'Middle East', 'Latin America']


Instead, I manually created a code in CodeBK app - I'm using both Eikon and Workspace to get the data for "GE" and fields with "As of" parameter. All is set on my end, thanks again for checking my question. 1720557628439.png

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Hi @mae.diaz

When you run code within a Jupyter Notebook, you have the freedom to place code within cells. In your case, it appears you are executing a cell that contains the code: fetch_refiniti_data() but have not executed the cell where this function is defined.

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Hi @nick.zincone how can I do it and may I ask for an example?

Also, I have manually created code;

import as rd


df = rd.get_data(

universe = ['GE'],

fields = [









parameters = {

'SDate': '0CY',

'CH': 'date'




Can the above code be the same function as what client had given earlier? Appreciate your help, thank you.

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