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Missing Videos in Tutorial

When I go to Websocket API and select Tutorials > Video Tutorials, I don't actually see any videos.

It is just a blank area where a video box should appear.

I am using EDGE and logged into using my LSEG laptop.

I also tried using Firefox and got the same results.

I wonder if this is a result of the move from to

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27.1k 65 17 14

Hello @Eddy-hellothere

I am sorry for your inconvenience. We are contacting the portal support team to investigate the issue. In the meantime, you can right click on each video topic and choose "open link in new tab" option to access a direct page which the video is still available.


Alternatively, you can access each video from the following links:

1721015759235.png (61.7 KiB)
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