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SSL and RSSL cessation question

Hi Dev team,

Could you please advise on the following client question:

"I know that the SSL protocol is to be deprecated in 2026 and the RSSL protocol in 2027 from a consumer application perspective.

From a source (Publisher) application perspective, can you please confirm what protocols will be available after the cessation dates? I am assuming RWF will be the default; are there any others?"



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Hi @richard.wilson,

The PCN refers to the end of support for legacy protocols like SSL and Marketfeed. RSSL/RWF is a fully supported protocol and used in currently strategic RTSDK and RTMDS.

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Hi @richard.wilson,

RWF is the format and RSSL is the binary transport protocol which carries RWF encoded data. Neither of these are planned to be deprecated, and should be used in any application being developed today.

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Hi Gurpreet,

Thank you for that confirmation, it is much appreciated. The client has come back and stated that he was notified of this protocol change via PCN20634 issued March 2023 as attached. Is this not relevant or does it address something else?


pcn206364.pdf (22.3 KiB)
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