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how to get Cross Economic Monitor data using Refinitiv Data API

is it possible to directly get the economic monitor data using APIs instead of manually download as excel?screenshot-2024-07-23-at-113743pm.png

#productapipython apieconomic-data
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Hi @BooBoh

As far as I can tell, I don't immediately see if any API exists for the above data set. However, I would suggest you reach out to the Workstation Helpdesk and see if they know of any such API. You can do this by the "Get Help & Support - F1" within Workspace. They should be able to involve a content specialist in this area to confirm.

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Hi @BooBoh ,

Have you had a chance to check article Retrieve Cross Economic Data using Eikon Data API (Python) | Refinitiv?

The article uses Eikon Data API, but you can also use the same function (get_data) in Refinitiv Data library to retrieve the data

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