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ExtractWithNotes does not return RIC in case of CUSIP as an input but works well with ISIN does not return any RIC in case of CUSIP as an identifier in Input but works well in case of ISIN as an identifier. Please find attached list of CUSIPs and RIC error as below:


2024-08-07 12:43:35.193 [http-nio-8080-exec-2] ERROR [c.n.r.s.RefinitivHistoricalQuotesServiceImpl] - Securities conversion failed or RIC not available from
content Content(identifierType=Cusip, identifier=31418D4Y5, ric=null, currencyCode=USD, securityDescription=FNCL MA4438 2.500 10/01/51

Any help is appreciated.

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Please check this discussion. I found that the TermsAndConditionsExtractionRequest can provide the ORC field.

The following is the description of the ORC field.

            "Code": "TNC.ORC",
            "Name": "ORC",
            "Description": "Identifier used to retrieve the RIC for active and inactive quotes attached to fixed income instruments. This is part of a proprietary RIC symbology developed and maintained by LSEG. Matured Mortgage instruments will have only ORC and no RIC.",
            "FormatType": "Text",
            "FieldGroup": " "

The output is:

 "ORC": "31418D4Y5=RRPS"

However, please contact the Datascope Select support team directly via MyAccount to verify this field.

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

It could be a content question. I checked it on the DSS Web GUI. The cross reference of this CUSIP is:


Please contact the Datascope Select support team directly via MyAccount to verify this CUSIP.

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