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am currently using your API key through Python code for my application and have a few questions regarding its usage.

  1. How can I access news through Python? For example (shown below), in your guide, you use the code “MSFT.0”. How can I find the corresponding codes for all my suppliers (manually searching is difficult since I have more than2000)?
  2. Is there a syntax that allows me to search for news using general keywords without specifying a company code?

I would appreciate your assistance with these queries.

Thank you.Capture.PNG

Best regards,

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

The news query used in the API is similar to the news query used in the News Monitor app. Therefore, you can use the News Monitor app to create a news query and then use it in the API.

Otherwise, you can contact the helpdesk team via MyAccount to get a news query.

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