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modulenotfounderror: no module named 'refinitiv.data'; 'refinitiv' is not a package


use "pip install refinitiv-data" installed package, the py file only have 1 line "import refinitiv.data as rd" .

got folllowing error:

"ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'refinitiv.data'; 'refinitiv' is not a package"

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Hi @it1,

I would advise using the LDL. You can find it on PyPI here:


pip install lseg.data

Do let me know if you can pip install this one correctly. With that said, the RDL should have worked; would you mind letting me know what line you used to pip install it? We suggest:

pip install refinitiv.data

From the screenshot provided, it looks to me as though you may have installed the library in an environment or Python version other than the one in `closeprice`. Could I advise the following in your Command Prompt?

> python
> import refinitiv.data as rd


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