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Reuters Connection Fail Fequently

We are facing issue with reuters connection fail frequently:

{"instant":{"epochSecond":1726205278,"nanoOfSecond":441878434},"thread":"pool-8-thread-1","level":"INFO","loggerName":"com.enbd.rate.streaming.registry.consumer.ConsumerClient","message":"Status message refinitiv:StatusMsg\n streamId=\"99\"\n domain=\"MarketPrice Domain\"\n state=\"Open / Suspect / None / '**F10: Service Down'\"\n itemGroup=\"00 05\"\n name=\"USDPKR=ENBX\"\n serviceId=\"257\"\n serviceName=\"ELEKTRON_DD\"\nStatusMsgEnd\n","endOfBatch":false,"loggerFqcn":"java.util.logging.Logger","threadId":84,"threadPriority":5,"timeStamp":"2024-09-13T09:27:58.441+0400","clientIp":"${ctx:clientIp}","uniqueReferenceCode":"${ctx:uniqueReferenceCode}","financialId":"${ctx:financialId}","channelId":"${ctx:channelId}"}

{"instant":{"epochSecond":1726205278,"nanoOfSecond":441657892},"thread":"pool-8-thread-1","level":"INFO","loggerName":"com.enbd.rate.streaming.registry.consumer.ConsumerClient","message":"Status message refinitiv:StatusMsg\n streamId=\"98\"\n domain=\"MarketPrice Domain\"\n state=\"Open / Suspect / None / '**F10: Service Down'\"\n itemGroup=\"00 05\"\n name=\"EURCHF=ENBX\"\n serviceId=\"257\"\n serviceName=\"ELEKTRON_DD\"\nStatusMsgEnd\n","endOfBatch":false,"loggerFqcn":"java.util.logging.Logger","threadId":84,"threadPriority":5,"timeStamp":"2024-09-13T09:27:58.441+0400","clientIp":"${ctx:clientIp}","uniqueReferenceCode":"${ctx:uniqueReferenceCode}","financialId":"${ctx:financialId}","channelId":"${ctx:channelId}"}

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Hello @prashantd

The "F10: Service Down" text in the error message means the real-time market data service on the Real-Time Advanced Distribution Hub (ADH) server is down. When the market data service is down, the consumer cannot subscribe any data until the service is UP (alive) again.

Are you connecting to the deployed RTDS on your site or the RTO?

If it is RTDS, I strongly suggest you contact the ADS Support Team via website to verify the ADH issue.


If it is RTO, please contact the RTO support team via website to check the issue on their site.


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