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Is it possible to get information of all share classes of a company using Refinitiv.Data on Python

Hi, I'm wondering if it's possible to get the information (e.g. price, volume) of another share class given a specific share class.

say, GOOGL.O, Google, on GOOGL.O BUS page, there are 6 types of shares, and they're


say given the RIC code - GOOGL.O, is it possible to obtain all other 4 RIC codes listed above via any functions on Refinitiv.Data? Also, after founding those, is it possible to also obtain the information like price & volume for those shares?

Does anyone have any idea on this question? Thanks.


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@Tim Lai

Thank you for reaching out to us.

This could be the search API.

I am using the LSEG Data Library for Python and the code looks like this:

df =
        view = ld.discovery.Views.EQUITY_QUOTES,
        filter = f"PrimaryRIC eq 'GOOGL.O' and AssetState eq 'AC'",
        select = "DocumentTitle,AssetCategory,RIC,RCSAssetCategoryName",
        top = 500

The output is:


You may add other filters to get the required output. You can use the below code to get a list of fields in the EquityQuotes view.

response = search.metadata.Definition(
    view = search.Views.EQUITY_QUOTES  # Required parameterc

All examples are available on GitHub. You can also refer to the Building Search into your Application Workflow article.

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