A client has already processed a Case via the WC1 APIand they now want to pull back the matches that contained only an Exact Matchto be maintained in their internal system, specifically where matchStregtn is equal to EXACT
Hi @Eduardo C.,
The endpoint cases/{{case-system-id}}/results returns an array of matches.
To Test a return result array...in Postman edit the tests in SEQ-5b and add:
tests["Status code is 200"] = responseCode.code === 200;var Matches = JSON.parse(responseBody);for (var i = 0; Matches[i] ;i++){ if ( Matches[i].matchStrength === "EXACT"){ tests["EXACT Match" + i] = Matches[i].matchStrength === "EXACT"; }}
Here's the output of a sample test...with only 1 EXACT match:
In this example the 2nd element of the array has an EXACT match.
Hope this helps,
Thanks a lot!