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RIC symbol from stock name?

Hi I want to get the RIC symbol from a company's name, how to do that in Excel?

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You can use =RSearch in Eikon Excel to retrieves a list of instruments based on the specified search criteria. For example:


It returns AAPL.O. For more information regarding =RSearch in Eikon Excel, please refer to Thomson Reuters Eikon - Microsoft Office Help in Eikon Excel Help menu.

Moreover, to use RSearch with COM APIs for use in Microsoft Office, please refer to Tutorial 7 - Instrument Search - RSearch.

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Using formula -


I get the results -

No results were found matching your criteria.

Please try to wrap Apple in the single quotes.


I'm getting the same error with the single quotes as well

I suggest you raise this to Thomson Reuters Helpdesk by either calling the Helpdesk number in your country or by using Contact Us capability in your Eikon application.

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Any suggestions for a similar solution using Python API?

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When asking a new question, please always start a new thread. Old threads are not monitored by forum moderators. If you need to reference an old thread, include a link to the thread in your post.
To answer your question, see the article titled "Building Search into your Application Workflow", which describes how to implement various searches using RDP Libraries.

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