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What is the order of getting news content?

What is the order of getting news? First get the HeadLine list according to the interface (RetrieveHeadlineML_1), and then call the (RetrieveStoryML_1) interface to get the content information according to the returned id.

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From the names of methods (RetrieveHeadlineML_1, and RetrieveStoryML_1), it could be TRKD API, not Eikon Data APIs.

Could you please confirm the name of API?

ok,is trkd api,

Can you help me answer my question? thanks @jirapongse.phuriphanvichai ♦♦

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Yes, you are correct.

First, the application uses the RetrieveHeadlineML_1 request to retrieve headlines for stories that match specific requirements. RetrieveHeadlineML_1 supports sophisticated search filters (e.g. keywords, companies, products, story time, news provider, and language). In the response, you will get the headlines and StoryIDs.

Next, the application uses StoryIDs with the RetrieveStoryML_1 request to get stories.The StoryID is a NewsML URN, of the form urn:newsml:[providerid]:[date]:[doc id], e.g., "“.

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Thanks,I have another question.How do I get a link to the news content?

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