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Duplicate quote permids

In the file OpenPermID-bulk-quote-20190630_065058.ntriples.gz I see these permids which seem to be duplicates of each other:



These seem to be duplicates of each other too:



In both cases the second permid was newly introduced while the other one has been around for a while. What does it mean, which permid should be used?

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The development team confirmed that it is a bug. This issue will be fixed in the next release (month).

The valid PermIDs for those quotes are:

FUTURE INNOVATIO ORD (4392.T) – 1-21514428335

VICO INTL HLDGS ORD (1621.HK) - 1-25727411154

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Thanks for sorting it out.

83.1k 281 53 77


I can replicate this issue and will report it to the Open PermID support team to verify the problem.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.