Are the following codes correct?
Last -> TRDPRC_1(I'm not getting information here D= )
Bid -> PRIMACT_1
Ask -> SEC_ACT_1
CF_LAST(almost always TRDPRC_1, could be HST_CLOSE)
CF_BID(almost always PRIMACT_1)
CF_ASK(almost always SEC_ACT_1)
Try CF_LAST (FID 5364) ... this should be the last ...
I've tried that before, but that's not the last price operated.
That code shows the last order that entered to the market.
For example, if there's a bid-ask of 50-60 and a new bid of 51 enter to the market, although no new transactions is made (51-60), CF_LAST shows 51, because is the last order that entered.
Do I make myself understood?
OK, I think I see what's happening here: For the RIC USTARTSD=ME ,,, all the fields you mentioned above are actually only showing the Last Traded price (with cooresponding volumes); NOT Bid/Ask... To get Bid/Ask you need to use the RIC USTARTSD1=ME . I don't have access to actually see it; it requires permission to "MA3" (Mercado Abierto Electronico-Fixed Income Level 1).