Are the following codes correct?
Last -> TRDPRC_1(I'm not getting information here D= )
Bid -> PRIMACT_1
Ask -> SEC_ACT_1
Are the following codes correct?
Last -> TRDPRC_1(I'm not getting information here D= )
Bid -> PRIMACT_1
Ask -> SEC_ACT_1
CF_LAST(almost always TRDPRC_1, could be HST_CLOSE)
CF_BID(almost always PRIMACT_1)
CF_ASK(almost always SEC_ACT_1)
I've tried that before, but that's not the last price operated.
That code shows the last order that entered to the market.
For example, if there's a bid-ask of 50-60 and a new bid of 51 enter to the market, although no new transactions is made (51-60), CF_LAST shows 51, because is the last order that entered.
Do I make myself understood?
OK, I think I see what's happening here: For the RIC USTARTSD=ME ,,, all the fields you mentioned above are actually only showing the Last Traded price (with cooresponding volumes); NOT Bid/Ask... To get Bid/Ask you need to use the RIC USTARTSD1=ME . I don't have access to actually see it; it requires permission to "MA3" (Mercado Abierto Electronico-Fixed Income Level 1).