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How do I get find ric patterns for downloading future chain for Indexes & Single stock. eg: FTSE & STOXX50E

How do I get find ric patterns for downloading future chain for Indexes & Single stock. eg: FTSE , STOXX50E, HSBA.L

I need to download all the contracts for for a large number listed stocks & indexes across exchanges. Is there any algo to generate the pattern from the RIC of the underlying/stock

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From my findings, this is a method to construct chains for futures and options.

However, you need to contact the content support team via MyRefinitiv for the base RIC code.

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Hello @PMN

Please also note that this is a technical forum for software developers using Refinitiv APIs. Data or RIC questions are best directed at the Refinitiv Helpdesk, as they are not related to software development. You can contact the Refinitiv Helpdesk by opening a content-related enquiry via Get Product Support in MyRefinitiv.

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