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StatusMsg: A46: Item was reopened under new stream


I do a registerClient on a consumer that is accepted correctly.

Then I receive the RefreshMsg with some data.

After I receive the RefreshMsg I receive a StatusMsg with state="Closed / Suspect / Already open / '*A46: Item was reopened under new stream.'" :

domain="MarketPrice Domain"
state="Closed / Suspect / Already open / '*A46: Item was reopened under new stream.'"

And no more data are received (UpdateMsg)

Someone can help me to solve this problem?

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Hi @clagaddo

This usual cause for this is when the same instrument has been subscribed more than once, so the server is closing the original request and the item is now open under the new stream ID.

The server is trying to ensure that multiple copies of the same instrument are not open and you don't receive multiple updates for each instance.

If you don't believe the above is the case please enable low level trace to confirm what is happening behind the scenes

You can do something similar in EMA C++ using the XmlTraceToFile parameter to output the trace to a file.

You can file more details about the above trace parameters in the EMA Config Guide - which is included in the Elektron SDK package or can be found online under the Development section of Elektron SDK Documentation

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Hello @umer.nalla,

Would you know how to enable low level trace in websockets? We are connecting to RTO via Websocket and experiencing this error.

Please advise.

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Hello @Raven Ann,

This is an old question. I would recommend that you ask a new question providing complete details about the API/technology that is being used to help us provide a correct solution.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.