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conda package for DSWS scripting api

DSWS Python wheel is up on so is pip installable but is there any corresponding conda package so that its easily installable by others using conda?

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I believe that the development team aware of the requirement but it still has no plan to release the conda package very soon as mentioned in the following posts.

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Hi @Midori.Miyata1,

You may use the conda package "datastreamdsws" in 'Environments':

Please make sure to select 'All' in the top-left dropdown to see all available packages. In my example capture above, it says 'Installed' for example.

Does that answer your questions?

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Thank you for your reply.

I have tried but DSWS does not shows in the link.

For example, it shows as below if it is supported (the top one is the official one)

Would you please advise?

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Hi @Midori.Miyata1,

I'm afraid that 'datastreamdsws' - just like 'eikon' - Python libraries are not packaged in Conda, and thus cannot be installed via the Anaconda interface. This is due to several reasons. But as you pointed out, you may access them via pip installs.

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I am asking on behalf of my client. Their analytics platform allows conda-compliant Python library, and request to make available in conda package. Is there any plan for DSWS?

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Hello, still no plan to add DatastreamDSWS into the Anaconda package ? Pip install is blocked in my company, the only possible way is to use the Anaconda package or an additional channel (any idea here?). I think that this is a problem that many other clients are facing. Any update or plan on this ?

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