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How to retrieve the same data from RDP Libraries in Codebook in RDP API Playground

I am checking Codebook app in Workspace. I was hoping that you can assist me regarding some Codebook examples available in the Refinitiv Data Platform Library. I am just checking if the below examples correspond to an endpoint in the RDP API Playground?

In Codebook, I see that the data can be retrieved using python codes. In the below python code examples from Codebook, may you kindly advise how I can retrieve the same data in RDP API Playground and which endpoint should I use in API Playground?

1. For Single Bond


universe = "13063CUV0",

fields = [









2. For Multiple Bonds


universe = ["US1YT=RR", "US5YT=RR", "US10YT=RR"],

fields = ["InstrumentDescription","MarketDataDate","Price","YieldPercent","ZSpreadBp"]


3. For Global pricing parameters


universe = [





calculation_params = bond.CalculationParams(


price_side = ipa.enum_types.PriceSide.BID


fields = [







4. For Single ETI Option


universe = "FCHI560000L0.p",

fields = [












Thank you.

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