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Force Logout from DACS and after some other errors


Today we encountered some problems on AMER side websocket connection at 09:25 A.M. +3:00 TZ time.
We were normally getting some currency values from WebSocket. But after 09:25 A.M. +3:00 TZ time stream receiving failed with below errors and lasted for about 15 minutes.

Could you help us to understand the json message errors? Why they ocurres?

Our client app is Java 1.8 based. We use WebSocket API. The endpoint we connect is:


After we encountered below errors we tried to reconnect and sent login requests to AMER endpoint:

... we normally receive some currency values (like XAU=).

... we suddenly got below data from server:


{"ID":1,"Type":"Status","Domain":"Login","Key":{"Name":"AQIC5wM2LY4SfcySyiKqBgx7PO2ElzuCeohMmJtTAD5AT3M%3D%40AAJTSQACMTAAAlNLABQtNjkzNjk3NzUyNjg3NDgyMjQyNwACUzEAAjI3%23"},"State":{"Stream":"Closed","Data":"Suspect","Code":"NotEntitled","Text":"Force Logout from DACS."}}

>> LOGIN request



{"ID":1,"Type":"Status","Domain":"Login","Key":{"Name":"AQIC5wM2LY4Sfcz5Io6Pc30PdbjW7Lnk9j4c0pWkTgth%2FPQ%3D%40AAJTSQACMTAAAlNLABM2NDMzNDgwODY1NDgyODEwNDY4AAJTMQACMjg%3D%23"},"State":{"Stream":"Closed","Data":"Suspect","Code":"Timeout","Text":"A21: Access Denied. Timed out waiting for response from DACS server. Try request again."}}

>> LOGIN request



{"ID":1,"Type":"Status","Domain":"Login","Key":{"Name":"AQIC5wM2LY4SfcyQVJzSdr73wA0MADaPl3qR%2FJbkW%2BJ4fnM%3D%40AAJTSQACMTAAAlNLABQtNDkzNjI1ODUxNjEzNDc5ODc1NgACUzEAAjI2%23"},"State":{"Stream":"Closed","Data":"Suspect","Code":"Error","Text":"Login Denied:Failed to create sso token handle - Failure when receiving data from the peer"}}

>> LOGIN request



{"ID":1,"Type":"Status","Domain":"Login","Key":{"Name":"AQIC5wM2LY4Sfcw31cWhRDebCvhsPnlAzsv3qP14uPMVG7o%3D%40AAJTSQACMTAAAlNLABQtMjA2MzI2MzQ3OTY1MjY5MjA1MgACUzEAAjI1%23"},"State:{"Stream":"Closed","Data":"Suspect","Code":"Error","Text":"Login Denied:Failed to lookup sso token uid"}}


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There was a service disruption affecting several Refinitiv products earlier today. The service has been restored as of 6pm GMT. If you continue experiencing login problems, please contact Refinitiv Helpdesk via MyRefinitiv.

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