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MRN News Chinese language filter

We found that the language codes of Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese in the news message are both 'zh' . Is there any way to distinguish these two languages? Client uses EMA with LPC to get streaming news from RTO.chinese-language-filter-zh.png

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Hello ,

From my limited understanding of Machine Readable News - News Codes, when a story in Chinese language is tagged, there is an option to include:


So in language, you may see L:ZH, L:ZH-HANS and L:ZH-HANT.

However, I would not be able to explain, why a specific story is tagged one way or the other. You should be able to obtain an in-depth clarification on content with Refinitiv news content experts via Refinitiv Helpdesk Online -> Content -> RTO, while this forum will be of most help to you with API usage questions.

languagecodes.gif (17.0 KiB)
languagecodes.gif (23.5 KiB)
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