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Are RDP images publicly available?

We have a Back-End application that makes use of the RDP API to retrieve headlines and stories and we can see that the associated images can be retrieved through the following API call:


However, this link does not seem to be publicly accessible so it is impossible for our Front-End to display those images (without authentication at the FE side). Is there a publicly accessible image link? (We are trying to avoid storing the images at the BE side)

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Hello @pevangelidis ,

Would like to better understand the question in order to try to help:

The endpoint images is part of RDP News and are available, was there, perhaps, a connectivity glitch, can you please re-try to see if the issue was intermittent?

The images endpoint access requires permissions for RDP news and a valid image ID for images to be pulled on request. I just tested:

via Postman, was able to retrieve the image on my side, please try the same, let us know if you are able to access it?

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Hello @zoya faberov ,

We do have access to the images when we are authenticated with your OAuth2 mechanism but this is not our issue. Our application consists of the following components:

  • Back End application: The BE authenticates to RDP API, consumes and stores articles with their image links.
  • Front End: The FE makes requests to our BE and displays the text and the images of the articles.

The issue here is that the FE does not authenticate to the RDP API as we don’t want our Password Credentials to be public. So, if we use the image links as returned from RDP API (e.g. the images will not be displayed. It seems that we cannot show any images without an intermediate stage where our BE hosts them. Is there any suggestion from your side so as to avoid it?

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Hello @pevangelidis ,

RDP requires authentication, that is facilitated via authentication via token. I can see two design options:

1. As you discuss, storing the required images locally.

2. Back end application will be responsible for authenticating, requesting token via RDP service (for example, every 270 sec, as it is good for 300 sec) and making the valid token available to the front end application, as well as the image link.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.