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Possible values and meaning for QOS fields "Timeliness" and "Rate" for RRTO

When using the WebSocket consuming from RRTO, what are the possible values and meaning of the fields from Qos (Timeliness and Rate)? I wasn´t able to find in the documentation.

For example, in an example of message received after requesting a RIC is the following:


One question that I have is how the "Timeliness" from the response, which is "Realtime": since it is a streaming service, then the only value that makes sense is "Realtime", right? If the user does not have the rights for a RIC, for example, "IBM.N" he would receive a permission error like "Access denied" - then he could use the delayed RIC "/IBM.N" to receive something.

So, I would just like to understand a little better how these Qos fields are filled and how they are related to the service the client has contracted.


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You can refer to the Websocket Protocol Specification for more information regarding QoS.


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