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Where can I find more information on the Elektron Direct Feed (EDF)?

In the Elektron Transport API Developer Guide, C Edition, (specifically section, it refers to an "Elektron Direct Feed User Guide". Unfortunately, the link appears to be dead (or at least I can't reach it).

I'd like to know where I can find this document as it hasn't come up in any searches I've tried. More generally, I'd be interested in any information regarding the EDF.

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Hi Brian,

Thank you very much for this feedback and for helping us to improve the TR Dev Portal.

It looks you found a broken link in the ETA documentation. I just contacted our technical writers so that they fix it. In the meantime, please find attached the document you requested.

Sorry for the inconvenience,



edf-ug-v16.pdf (354.5 KiB)
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Please note that the Elektron Direct Feed (EDF) product referenced in this document is no longer for sale.

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Thank you for clarifying this.

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