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Data Inquiry: NAIC 2211

Dear Refinitiv-Team

I am working on a project on M&A. For this, i am using the Deal Screener to get data on M&A where the acquiror is in the electric power generation industry which falls under the NAIC code 2211 (

As far as I understood, the deal screener doesn't allow for me to select all acquirors with the nummeric NAIC code 2211 but instead uses the title of the codes for selection (hydroelectric power generation, fossil fuel electric power, ... ).

I have done this a few times and have now realized that there are NO deals listed for the NAIC Codes 2214-2217 even if i select them. Which is rather odd and I am quiet sure that there should be deals in these industries. Is it possible that the NAIC codes 2214-2217 are under different titles? I do find deals that are listed as NAIC "Alternative Energy Sources" however i do not know which nummreic NAIC code those are supposed to belong to and according to the naics website there is no such category.

Could you please advise me on how to get ALL deals with acquirors under the NAIC code 2211?

Thank you!



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Hello @eressourcen ,

From what I read about NAIC 2211, by following the link in the question:


2211 is comprised of 2211x, i..e 221111, 221112, etc.

These titles you can find via Screener Filter expression, for example "Hydroelectric Power Generation":


I have also noticed that when we hover over "Hydro..." we can verify the numerical NAIC code that it is assigned (see on the screenshot), this may be helpful.

To get all deals with NAIC 2211, you could select all these titles in Deal Filter and OR them in Filter expression.


This forum is not the recommended resource for data/content inquiries, rather it is intended for Refinitiv API usage questions. With data inquiries, the best course of action is to submit them directly to Refinitiv Helpdesk Online -> Content -> and select your product

Hope this information is of help

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