
3 0 2 9

There was no endpoint listening at that could accept the message

Can anybody tell what I am doing wrong in connecting refinitiv for timeseries query. The config file has following settings:


<endpoint address="" behaviorConfiguration="endpointBehavior"

binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="HttpsAndRKDToken_ITimeSeries_1_HttpsAndRKDToken"

contract="ThomsonReutersKnowledgeDirect.ITimeSeries_1" name="HttpsAndRKDToken_ITimeSeries_1_HttpsAndRKDToken" />

<endpoint address=""

binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="HttpsAndAnonymous_ITokenManagement_1_HttpsAndAnonymous"


name="HttpsAndAnonymous_ITokenManagement_1_HttpsAndAnonymous" />


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Hello @denis.gomes

The RKD endpoint has been updated to "" like the following examples:

You can find more detail on the RKD API support portal site as suggested by my college.

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Hello @denis.gomes ,

I do not see the issue on my side. I would suggest to login into:

RKD Support Portal,

select API Catalog and test

1. Token Management

2. Time Series

To try to understand if the issue that you observe could be related to your connectivity, user entitlements&access, or code&config.

If on support portal you are able to request as expected, you may wish to next verify with RKD example code

Hope that this information helps

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