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37 4 11 14

Contributions over Websockets - NotEntitled code


We are working with Refinitiv (Richard Smith) to create a POC for Contributions (Posting data using Websockets).

We have developed a POC for automatically creating RICs and have created a sample RIC under SAMPLE3=LLAC

We are now trying to post data to that RIC. I have create a sample app in C# that does this but I am getting a NotEntitled code after my Login request.

I have reached out to Refinitiv (Richard Smith) who has advised I create a ticket here.

We successfully authenticate and get back a token, however, the Login seems to be rejected.

Here are the responses:

{ {

"access_token": "REMOVED FOR CLARITY",

"refresh_token": "c1126397-cea8-49f4-bf95-0d5c3e78eb2f",

"expires_in": "600",

"scope": "",

"token_type": "Bearer"


I then send a Login request, like:



"Key": {

"NameType": "AuthnToken",

"Elements": {

"ApplicationId": "256",

"Position": "",

"AuthenticationToken": "REMOVED FOR CLARITY"




And get back a NotEntitled Code:

{ {"ID": 1,

"Type": "Status",

"Domain": "Login",

"State": {

"Stream": "Closed",

"Data": "Suspect",

"Code": "NotEntitled",

"Text": "System busy"


"Private": true



I used the following details (from the Python example on Developer Portal):

Auth URL:

Host: => wss://

Service: DDS_TRCE

AppID: 256

Port: 443

Are these correct or is it permissions on my account?

I wasn't sure about the Service name - where do I find this information?



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Hi @emir.subasic

Ok - so if you can log in successfully - but only the Post is falling, then it is most likely you don't have the correct permission to post to those RICs.

I also note the 'System busy' text in the above status message - so the NotEntitled could be a red-herring.

This is something the RCC team will need to investigate.

I understand Richard is arranging a call with you and the RCC team for tomorrow.

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Hi @emir.subasic

Are you following the RCC Contributions Tutorial at Contributing Data to Refinitiv Contributions Channel (RCC) via WebSocket

Do you have an RCC-specific MachineID, password etc - or are you just using your RTO MachineID?

The service name appears correct.

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@emir.subasic - also please note that is not an official support mechanism - Whilst we can try and help answer any queries posted here - we don't create a ticket.

If you want to raise an official Ticket with the RCC team you can also do so at

It is also possible you only have UAT credentials and not PROD credentials?
If so, please refer to the above article which shows the UAT endpoint -

The contact at Refinitiv has confirmed this is for production but I will try the uat also.
37 4 11 14


I believe I am and my machine ID is GE-A-01281282-x-xxxx. I used this ID to create new RICs successfully. I have a password for it and have generated a Client ID also.



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