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error: Refinitiv Domain Connection Check - Private Network: Failure


I am pulling data and often it doesn't return anything. i run a system check and this is the issue:

'Refinitiv Domain Connection Check - Private Network: Failure'

'(Web Exception Code: 1)'

can I get advice on to which network settings I should refer to to fix this? it is a new problem and if i restart my pc all is fine for a bit.

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I assume that you are using Eikon Data API.

To investigate an issue in the Eikon Data API, you can enable logging in the API by using the following code.

import eikon as ek

With the log, we can check if it is a problem in the API or Eikon.

Regarding Eikon network settings, please refer to the Refinitiv Eikon Networking Guide on MyRefinitiv.


Otherwise, you can contact the Eikon support team directly via MyRefinitiv for any further assistance.

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