
1 0 1 2

StatusText : Enumeration Table does NOT contain entry for enum = 37 StatusTextW : State : OperationFailed StatusCode : None }



Message=Exception of type 'Reuters.RFA.Common.InvalidUsageException' was thrown.



at Reuters.RFA.RDM.RDMFidDef.DisplayValueFor(UInt16 enumVal)

at BIM.Cube.ReutersRFAPriceQuery.MarketPriceClient.DecodeDataBuffer(DataBuffer dataBuffer, RDMFidDef fieldDef, RFA_String temp, Boolean inLine) in C:\git\reutersrfaproviderprototype\ReutersRFAProvider\ReutersRFAWrapper\MarketPriceClient.cs:line 1026

NameValueType▶Status{StatusText : Enumeration Table does NOT contain entry for enum = 37 StatusTextW : State : OperationFailed StatusCode : None }Reuters.RFA.Common.GeneralExceptionStatus

I did search and found similar issues previously , that generally were fixed by downloading an metadata file

The links in those previous issues no longer work.

1. where do I get the updated file(s)
2. Is there an API (RFA C# ) that would allow my application code to automatically download and update this file?
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RFA can load dictionary files from the connected server (data feed) or local files depending on the application code.

Therefore, if RFA loads dictionary files from the server, you need to update dictionary files on the server. Otherwise, you need to update dictionary files on the local machine.

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Hello @richard.veitch

According to the error messages, it seems you are using the old version of the enumtype.def and RDMFieldDictionary dictionary files.

You can download the latest version of the files from the website with the following Product query:

  • Product family: MDS - General
  • Products: Refinitiv Real-Time Template Service Pack



Hope this helps.

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I have downloaded and updated the dictionary files , specifically RDMFieldDictionary, enumtype.def

My code is based upon one of the same apps reuters supplies and I still get a field problem with : a field called "REFTIMZONE"

I can see this in enumtype.def.

I dont expect his.

What could cause this problem, particularly as my code is a copy of a reuters example.

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This is strange. The latest enumtype.def file doesn't have enum definitions for REFTIMZONE.

! -------    ---
! -----      -------   -------
      0      "     "   undefined

However, when I subscribed to TCEHY.PK, the REFTIMZONE field contains 37.

 FieldEntry fid="12212" name="HLT_RSMR_N" dataType="Rmtes" value="(blank data)"
            FieldEntry fid="13497" name="REFTIMZONE" dataType="Enum" value="37"
            FieldEntry fid="14206" name="BLKTIM_MS" dataType="Time" value="(blank data)"
            FieldEntry fid="14213" name="PDTRDTM_MS" dataType="Time" value="(blank data)"
            FieldEntry fid="14248" name="REF_TM_MS" dataType="Time" value="22:00:00:000:000:000"
            FieldEntry fid="14250" name="HLT_RSM_MS" dataType="Time" value="(blank data)"
            FieldEntry fid="14277" name="CAN_TIM_NS" dataType="Time" value="(blank data)"
            FieldEntry fid="14290" name="ODDTIM_NS" dataType="Time" value="(blank data)"
            FieldEntry fid="14323" name="OFF_CLS_NS" dataType="Time" value="(blank data)"
            FieldEntry fid="14569" name="PREMKT_NS" dataType="Time" value="(blank data)"
            FieldEntry fid="14570" name="AFTMKT_NS" dataType="Time" value="(blank data)"
            FieldEntry fid="32741" name="TRNOVR_UNS" dataType="Real" value="(blank data)"
            FieldEntry fid="32743" name="ACVOL_UNS" dataType="UInt" value="(blank data)"

I submitted a ticket to the data feed team to verify the problem. The case number is 11783754.

The support team will contact you regarding this issue.

Sorry for this inconvenience.

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