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Error code 429 client error, want to know why this error occur and how to reset the time

Now, with the phrase error 429, the get_data function is not working and the get_history function is not working.

I saw other people's questions and they said it's because they sent too many requests
1667542687420.pngI don't know what the criteria for many requests are. Currently, I am only working on inserting data through get_history from eikon by turning the scheduler every 20 minutes.

And what is the standard of time to wait there? Is it some kind of penalty? And please tell me how to initialize that time.

And please define and let me know the clear reason why that phenomenon happened. This is because it is quite embarrassing if such a thing happens while operating the system.

Additionally written, looking at other people's questions,
I saw that the limit on the number of API calls that can be sent per day is 10,000, but why is there such a limit?

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Hi @jwlee08 ,

I'm really sorry for the issue you're facing.

The limit of Eikon Data API is listed here Eikon Data API Usage and Limits Guideline

Could you please check the detailed limits in this document against your application to see if any limit is reached?

Or if you checked but nothing seems to exceed the limit, please kindly provide the code you used so I can try to reproduce this issue.

Hope this helps

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