In World Check One Api, the Postman example must send "Date" as Header parameter.
That is forbidden.
a) Why would this company choose to implement it this way?
b) How to cope with this problem?
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
Hi @sp02.
Thank you for your patience. Some of the fields are not allowed to be set by the user in AJAX i.e. forbidden headers. These are automatically set by the browser or other corresponding user agent. Please try sending the request without Date header and get back to me in case it doesn't work out. Thanks.
Ssneha Balasubramanian.
We send the date in the postman header to ensure the authenticity of the message. I have made a note of your request to send Date header in AJAX and will get back to you with a solution. Thank you.
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.