...ding login request
We have a java client that connects to Refinitiv RTO websocket and fetches data, recently more frequent disconnects started happening and they're causing us to lose data.
After investigating it seems like Refinitivs servers closes the websockets for no reason that we could find (confirmed by the log below)
public void onDisconnected(WebSocket websocket, WebSocketFrame serverCloseFrame, WebSocketFrame clientCloseFrame, boolean closedByServer) throws Exception {
log.info("WebSocket disconnected closedByServer: {}", closedByServer);
--> WebSocket disconnected closedByServer: true
Also tried running the python example code when the issue started happening and i was able to replicate the issue (tried the script a few days earlier and can confirm that it worked); websocket closes when sending login request to server
2022-12-12 16:22:02,313 connect() Connecting to WebSocket wss://us-east-1-aws-3-med.optimized-pricing-api.refinitiv.net:443/WebSocket for session1...
2022-12-12 16:22:03,829 _on_open() WebSocket successfully connected for session1!
2022-12-12 16:22:03,830 _send_login_request() SENT on session1:
2022-12-12 16:22:03,830 _send_login_request()
2022-12-12 16:22:04,163 _on_close() WebSocket Closed for session1
2022-12-12 16:22:04,163 _on_close() Reconnect to the endpoint for session1 after 3 seconds...
2022-12-12 16:22:07,169 connect() Connecting to WebSocket wss://us-east-1-aws-3-med.optimized-pricing-api.refinitiv.net:443/WebSocket for session1.
<repeats until user stops the script>
Have taken a look at the documentation and haven't found anything that explains this behavior.
Appreciate any suggestions on this