Hi Team, im trying to search if a ric exist or include a wildcard to get chain rics, the api documentation tells thatt the ChainRIC indentifier can be used, but when i make the request it is not an allowed Identifier.
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
I got updates from the product team that the DSS REST API doesn't provide the Chains Search and the Chains Search in the DSS Web GUI doesn't support wildcards. Typically, it is used to validate a chain RIC.
However, to validate chain RICs, you can use the /Extractions/InstrumentListValidateIdentifiers endpoint with the HTTP POST method. The message looks like this:
{ "InputsForValidation": [ { "Identifier": "0#SMT-HRS-DOM", "IdentifierType": "ChainRIC" } ], "KeepDuplicates": true}
The response is:
{ "@odata.context": "https://selectapi.datascope.refinitiv.com/RestApi/v1/$metadata#DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.SubjectLists.InstrumentsValidateIdentifiersResult", "ValidatedInstruments": [ { "Identifier": "0#SMT-HRS-DOM", "IdentifierType": "ChainRIC", "Source": "N/E", "Key": "VjF8MHgxMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwfDB4MTAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMHxOL0V8Q0hSfHxDSFJ8SHx8fA", "Description": "", "InstrumentType": "MortAggregate", "Status": "Valid" } ], "ValidationResult": { "ValidInstrumentCount": 1, "OpenAccessSegments": [], "StandardSegments": [ { "Code": "H", "Description": "Chains", "Count": 1 } ], "ValidationDuplicates": [], "Messages": [] }}
Otherwise, if you have a Tick History subscription, you can use the Historical Search (Search/HistoricalSearch) or Historical Criteria Search (Search/HistoricalCriteriaSearch) to search for chain RICs. The historical criteria search supports the start-with and end-with expressions.
For example, the following request search for RICs that start with 0#SMT.
For more information, please refer to the REST API Tutorial 14: Historical Criteria Search tutorial.
Thanks for reaching out to us.
The error message indicates that this endpoint (Search/InstrumentSearch) doesn't support ChainRIC (CHR).
The document just lists all identifier types that are available in DSS. The endpoints may support some of them. According to the DSS Web GUI, the Instrument Search supports the following identifier types.
I found that the DSS Web GUI has the Chains Search.
However, I can't find it in the DSS REST API. You can contact the DSS support team direclty via MyRefinitv to confirm this.
I hope that this information is of help.
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.