20 Quarters data for Institutional ownership for list of companies

Hi community, I am trying to download the quarterly data for percentage of shares held by Institutional investors.

When I try and download data i get the following error :

EikonError: Error code 408 | HTTP TimeoutException: .

Does anyone know what is going wrong? Please see attached the picture and code.

@Jirapongse Your help would be highly appreciated.

df,err = ek.get_data("List('io-july2023')", [
'TR.InvestorTypeId'],parameters={'EDate':'-20', 'Period':'FQ0','Frq':'FQ',"TheInvestorType":"101:102:103:104:106:107:108:110:112:113:114:116:117:302:304:401:402:403:404:405:406:407:408:409:410:411:412"})

#EDate is the number of quaters
#I want to calculate the number of shares held by investors quarterly from 30 june 2023 - 5 years back which is 20 quarters back.

# I want data for the following dates one by one:

#1. from 30 june 2020 -5 years back
#2. from 30 june 2021 -5 years back
#3. from 30 june 2022 -5 years back
#4.from 30 june 2023 -5 years back


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    User: "Jirapongse"
    Accepted Answer


    Yes, it is HTTP timeout. The default timeout value is 15 seconds which can't be changed.

    2023-07-25 09:56:46,240 P[19488] [MainThread 15932] Request to
    headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'x-tr-applicationid': 'ce0f060c6eb3446482da792f3bc0e031fa7b0a01', 'Authorization': 'Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1...'}
    params = None
    2023-07-25 09:57:01,257 P[19488] [MainThread 15932] TimeoutException on HTTP request: ReadTimeout('')
    2023-07-25 09:57:01,259 P[19488] [MainThread 15932] HTTP TimeoutException: .

    How many items does this list (List('io-july2023')) have?

    You can try the Refinitiv Data Library with the desktop session. Please refer to this example.

    With the Refinitiv Data Library, you can configure the HTTP timeout in the configuration file (refinitiv-data.config.json).

        "http": {        
            "request-timeout": 60        