We are using the EMA API in order to connect to Refinitiv feed. We want to get the information about the Enumerated Types Dictionary (domainType = EmaRdm.MMT_DICTIONARY, name = "RWFEnum"). In the documentation: https://github.com/Refinitiv/Real-Time-SDK/blob/master/Java/Ema/Docs/EMAJ_RDMUsageGuide.pdf (page 71), we see that we are supposed to get the following information: FIDS, VALUES, DISPLAY and MEANING. We saw that if we want a complete information, then we should use the filter EmaRdm.DICTIONARY_VERBOSE.
However, we always receive null values for the MEANING field. We saw that on page 72 (of the same document provided previously), it is written that "Providers do not need to provide [Meaning] (even when verbosity is VERBOSE)".
However, we would like to get this meaning fields, is there a way to get none null meaning?
Thanks in advance,
Marjorie Mercadier.