Can someone help me break a large request for data into smaller chunks to I avoid overloading the server?
Here is the offending Python
for universe in [",primary", ",countryprimaryquote"] :
exchange_filter = ""
name_suffix = ""
if(universe == ",countryprimaryquote") :
exchange_filter = "IN(TR.ExchangeCountryCode,'US'), NOT_IN(TR.HQCountryCode,'US'),"
else :
exchange_filter = "NOT_IN(TR.ExchangeCountryCode,'US') OR IN(TR.HQCountryCode,'US'),"
df, err = ek.get_data(f"SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public{universe}))), {exchange_filter} CURN=USD)",
In the past, when I got a "Backend Error", I resubmitted the request later, and it went through. Now, I can't get it through, so I'm stuck.