Hi, I want to fetch the data for analyst estimates. I'm using the below code to get the data and but the response we're getting is not what we want . I have attached the screenshot of the code with response we're getting with the response we want in screeshot below with some values in yellow colour. We need to resolve this issue on urgent basis. Please help me out. the code I'm using is .
df, err = ek.get_data( instruments = ['AAPL.O'], fields = ['TR.RevenueMean.periodenddate','TR.RevenueMean.calcdate','TR.RevenueMean.date','TR.EPSMean','TR.NetProfitMean','TR.RevenueMean'] ,parameters={'SDate':'2010-01-01','EDate':'2023-10-10','Frq':'FQ'} )
I'm using the refinitiv eikon library not RDP.Analyst_estimates_data_we_want.pdf

and the type of data we want like this. We're using the Refinitiv eikon as ek library not RDP. Please help me for that