I am fetching the news headlines data using python but this error has been occurring lately. Been using the same script and could fetch 100 headlines day before yesterday but works no more.
Here is the script:_
pip install eikon
import eikon as ek
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime
from datetime import time
import warnings
dfE = ek.get_news_headlines(' ( ( Topic:CNEUT OR Topic:GRNTCH OR Topic:CAROFF Topic:ENVBIO OR Topic:ESGENV OR Topic:ESGGOV OR Topic:ESGREG OR Topic:ENVJUS OR "Environmental Commitment" OR "ESG Investment Commitment" OR Topic:ESG OR "Environmental Social Governance" OR Topic:ENVREG OR "Restriction of Competition" OR "Competition Agreement" OR Topic:FESGD ) AND Topic:DE AND ( Language:LEN OR Language:LDE ) AND ( "ESG Dispute" OR "dispute" OR "ESG Damage" OR "Greenwashing" OR "damage" ) )',date_from ="2023-12-01" ,date_to = "2023-12-19",count=10)

Kindly provide me some solution to fix it or any alternative to fetch news headlines data