Hi, all,
I'm trying to get historical prices for fixed income indexes. But I get different results depending if I use RDP api (desktop session with Workspace app) and Eikon api (desktop session with Eikon desktop app).
This is code for RDP API:
import refinitiv.data as rd
bond_indexes = ['.BC144AG10P','.IBBEU01DF','.IBXXNSA6','.MERC8N0','.FTAUD-6M-EDEURT']
temp = rd.content.historical_pricing.summaries.Definition(
fields = ["OPEN_PRC"],
count=15, # 15 periods
non_na_counts = temp.count()
result_df = pd.DataFrame({'RIC': non_na_counts.index, 'Non-NA Values': non_na_counts.values})
This is code for Eikon API:
import refinitiv.data as rd
bond_indexes = ['.BC144AG10P','.IBBEU01DF','.IBXXNSA6','.MERC8N0','.FTAUD-6M-EDEURT']
temp = ek.get_timeseries(bond_indexes,fields='CLOSE',start_date='2010-12-31', end_date='2023-12-31', interval='yearly')
non_na_counts = temp.count()
result_df = pd.DataFrame({'RIC': non_na_counts.index, 'Non-NA Values': non_na_counts.values})
This is the comparison (e.g. for the 1st index Eikon has 14 years of data, while RDP doesn't have it). Could you pls advise if this is possible?

Also a general comment: as a Workspace Desktop is newer than Eikon, I was hoping that it will be faster. But somehow Eikon is much quicker in extracting data (I use in both cases the desktop version).
Also, apparently there is huge difference in API limits: using the Workspace (RDP) I'm able to retrieve only around 2500 indexes with 15 datapoints for each index without getting "429, too many requests" error, while with Eikon it seems there is no real limit (e.g. was no problem to get data for 35000 indexes * 15). And the question is why to decommission Eikon when it is better (at least for me)?
Would be great to hear you thoughts.