Hello, I have an issue concerning the retrieval of data to an excel file.
1. I use the Refinitiv Date Library API in Python using Codebook.
2. I am trying to obtain data about numerous financial instruments (equity, stocks,...) concerning their performance indicator ("TR.TotalReturn") over a period of 5 years (until now) on a weekly basis.
My goal is to link the data that I get with my code to an Excel file updating whenever the financial data about the instruments change.
3. My uncomplete but actual code is this one below :
I use "df.to_csv" and "df.to_excel" to save my results and I can export them on Excel afterwards by downloading them. But at the end, it is not making my Excel file directly linked to the data acquired by my code.

If anyone could help me about that or tell me about another way to get data from Refinitiv DataBase to an Excel file. Thank you !