...es prices well.
Am having trouble figuring out how to run basicConsumer examples in the EMAJ tutorial. Unlike python. With the python client market_price_rdpgw_client_cred_auth.py I can retrieve prices:
python3 ./M_market_price_rdpgw_client_cred_auth.py --clientid 12-34-56 --clientsecret 1234-5678 --hostname us-east-1-aws-3-med.optimized-pricing-api.refinitiv.net
results in
2024-02-27 15:36:32.287728 Refinitiv Data Platform Authentication succeeded. RECEIVED:
2024-02-27 15:36:32.288714 Session1: Connecting WebSocket to wss://us-east-1-aws-3-med.optimized-pricing-api.refinitiv.net:443/WebSocket...
2024-02-27 15:36:32.307977 Session1: WebSocket successfully connected!
2024-02-27 15:36:32.308124 SENT on Session1:
... and prices for my requested rics:
However, when I try anything with the basicConsumer which I managed to properly build and get to run yesterday I get missing parameters. According to Refinitiv Devportal I should be calling runConsumer like so: https://developers.lseg.com/en/api-catalog/refinitiv-real-time-opnsrc/rt-sdk-java/tutorials#ema-consumer-requesting-and-displaying-market-price-data
./runConsumer.ksh 2 -username 12-34-56 -password 1234-5678 -clientId 256 -location us-east -service ELEKTRON_DD -itemName NQH24
Running tutorial 2...
Missing required parameters.
Options (Connecting into Real-Time -- Optimized):
-username Machine ID to perform authorization with the token service. Required. [null]
-password Password to perform authorization with the token service. Required. [null]
-clientId Client ID, or Appkey. Required. [null]
-location Location to get an endpoint from RDP service discovery. Default: [us-east]
-service Name of service providing market data. Default: [ELEKTRON_DD]
-itemName Request item name. Default: [IBM.N]
Options (Connecting into a deployed RTDS):
-host Hostname or IP address and port of the deployed server (Eg: ads:14002). Required. [null]
-username Username to connect into the deployed streaming server. [null]
-service Name of service providing market data. Default: [ELEKTRON_DD]
-itemName Request item name. Default: [IBM.N]
Processing complete
According to the Tutorials webportal the command should be run like this, with ID being the clientId corresponging to the app_id, which I assumed from the successful python script's output.
> runConsumer 2 -username XX-Y-01234567-1-1234 -password <passwd> -clientId <appkey>
Any help would be greatly appreciated.